enchantment is our specialty . . .



They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well, it also takes a small village to create a beautiful website that truly reflects the spirit  and heart of SATVA BOTANICALS. I can tell you this because each and every one of the people who worked on this site are like family to me now. This project would not be so blessed without the amazing creative souls who contributed time, talent and their own bits of magic. I am deeply grateful for their contributions and support. We all had a blast working together, getting creative, and showing off our many talents. I feel so honored to know and work with this team of angels! Check out these beautiful souls and if you ever have any questions feel free to message me; I’d be happy to connect you.



Luckie daniels | Web design + art direction

Favorite Enchanted Moment: driving North through the Canyon on my first visit to Taos, I stopped to take in the Old Bridge in Pilar. Standing there, close enough to touch the Rio Grande, Spirit told me I’d find happiness here. She spoke truth. March 2019 marks my 10th year of being summoned to the Land of Enchantment . . . she still takes my breath away. Pure gratitude.

True Story: Luckie’s born the 7th day, of the 7th month at 7PM. Part Irish with a knack for making magic happen, she’s our very own lucky charm!:)



bill curry | photography

Favorite Enchanted Moment: Impossible to pick just one! Topping the list, my first San Geronimo Feast Day at Taos, Pueblo, first hike to Stagecoach Hot Springs and the light every day since 1992.

True Story: Our sweet Billy is a gifted photographer and fashion icon; among the first, top male supermodels of his time! Don’t believe us? Just ask Vogue!


KYLA - FAV.jpg


Favorite Enchanted Moment: I don’t have one yet! I’ve never been to Taos, but I am looking forward to coming to Satva Farm this summer for some photo shoots!

True Story: Kyla is a body-positive photographer, mom, dance enthusiast and joy seeking visual explorer. She is inspired by human experience and has a gift of seeing the beauty in people and their passions. She seeks to help her clients celebrate themselves and the work they do on the planet by providing them with imagery that reflects their authentic essence.



Carol Moore | Photography

Favorite Enchanted Moment: Discovering and photographing the gorgeous horses on the Pueblo, and capturing that magical light over the Mountain!

True Story: Carol is a freelance photographer in scenic Chester County, PA; home to many horse breeders, trainers, and riding enthusiasts for decades, and the birthplace of many champion horses such as Smarty Jones and Barbaro. Carol enjoys photographing landscapes, children, dogs and horses, all of which can be found in volumes at the many horse races and  events in her area. Her work has been published in many local papers and equine publications.